Friday, September 18, 2020

New Blogger, New Layout, New Rules

So, Blogger updated their UI to be weird and tile-based and new. Feels like some kind of strange tablet-designed thing; it's less clear, less straightforward, and less efficient than the old mode. Not a fan.

I've also updated my blog layout! The old all-white straightforward design has ended, replaced with a snazzy new dark-grey layout. Yes, it makes the ol' Goat's Head look a lot more like other OSR blogs out there, but there are two major benefits:

  1. This layout theme allows for using actual sidebars and footers; the old format didn't really support those at all. You can now see people I follow, my post archive, tags, and so on; this might get updated with a Things I Wrote You Can Buy, if I'm feeling aggressive.
  2. It's in dark mode! You can now read my blog late in the evenings without searing out your eyeballs.
If you hate either of these changes, which is understandable, you can follow me on Twitter and send me hatemail there.

As a panacea for your seething furor, I've written some new rules for domain-level play (ish). You can find these new rules here: Rules for Rulers.

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